Among Friends donated more than 400 packages of dog and cat food to the River Falls Food Pantry in July. Thanks to the generosity of local veterinarian Dr. Richard Jones-Withhuhn, Among Friends participants and volunteers divided hundreds of pounds of pet food into smaller packages for distribution to families and companion animals in need.
This service project has a variety of benefits, first of all to area families and their pets. When families have economic hardships, they often must face the difficult choice of feeding their family or their pets. One of the top reasons pets are surrendered to animal shelters is the cost associated with owning a pet. Having a few days of pet food available from the food pantry might be just enough to keep a beloved cat or dog at home with their family.
But this service project also benefits Among Friends participants, who loved doing it. Recent research has identified motivations that characterize human personality, among them: social contact, physical activity, independence, curiosity, and a sense of order. Sitting next to one another, chatting with volunteers and other participants while engaged in an activity, fulfills that social need while the focus and interest in the task at hand are other motivators. Moving the pet food from bins to bags, sealing and labeling the bags, and placing them in the appropriate places provides participants with a sense of control and purpose, independence, and orderliness. The project also gives participants a chance to work on their manipulation skills. Finally, participants take pride in helping others in the community.

Among Friends Dementia Respite Care Program provides respite care for individuals with dementia and their caregivers every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am until 3 pm in River Falls. We provide quality care for participants by trained staff and volunteers. Our day includes physical activities, including chair yoga, music, art, and games, along with individualized activities appropriate for each person.
Contact Among Friends for more information if your loved one experiencing dementia would like to join us.